Log in

Studio accounts, log in here instead.

Studio accounts, log in here instead.

Create a new account

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Additional instructions for the following:

  • It is best for each dancer to have their own account.
  • If it is unrealistic for each child to make their own account, you may be able to list them all in the same account.
  • For now, the last names (surname) must match, otherwise you will need to create separate accounts for them.
  • During registration you can log in to any account and you will be able to search and add them to your form.
Studios - we now offer Studio accounts!
  • If you want to handle the entire process for your students, you can apply for a Studio account.
  • Your existing personal account will still allow you to register, and even search for existing competitors to add your registration form, but will not allow you to create new competitors. Either the new competitor would need to create an account, or you will need a studio account to create a competitor for them.
  • If your students will be competing independently sometimes at other O2CM comps, it is best for them each to create and manage their own account.
  • Once they create an account, you will still be able to manage their registrations, entries, and tickets by looking up their names during registration.
  • During registration, the total balance due is only visible in the account that adds the entries and tickets, which would be you.
  • You can also invite your students to make an account which gives you more access by providing them a link like this:
Universities/Team Leaders
  • Everyone should make their own account, however if your team will be paying together, you'll want a master account to manage all the entries and finances
  • Make an account for your whole team, ideally using a team email address that doesnt change every year like captains@awesomeSchool.edu.
  • Then send a custom link to all your members which connects their account to the team account, like this:
  • Finally, have a registration party, where someone logs in to the captains account and helps everyone register under that one account.
  • Alternatively, you can skip the party by sharing the captain log in details and having every sign themselves using the captains account.
  • Anyone paying separately, should just use their own account as usual.

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